Sunday, March 25, 2007

I Want A Little Trolley

The Bellaire Trolley Run 5k is coming up on Saturday. I ran it last year for the first time and thought it was a brilliant little race. Flat and straight with good grub afterwards. What else does one need? (Hint: A little trolley). I also started talking to Mark Henderson from the Bay Area Running Club after the race. It was that encounter that resulted in my joining BARC.

They give out neat little trolleys to those that place in their age group at this race. I have no chance to win a little trolley. This year if I cross the finish line before they take the timing gear down, I'll be happy. I told Ben Harvie last week that I wanted one and he said something could be arranged as he has a whole railyard full of them. I told him I wanted my own trolley, not his.

That's when I had a stroke of genius (not for the first time I might add). I started coveting little trolleys when I saw Ann Ferguson's last year. Ann is great runner. I told her I wanted one and she said I had to become a little old lady and then it is easy. She suggested that the competition is not quite as tough as for little old men. Ann is just being modest, she is fast. But I followed up Ann's train of thought. Checking the times from last years trolley run, my PR 5k time would be good for second place in my age group if I was female. So if I get a sex change operation between now and next year's trolley run, I might win a trolley. Shoot with my green hairdo below, I might just be able to impersonate a female.

Sounds like a plan to me. Although the current equipment works like a charm, it is getting rather dated. Then again it is a rather expensive way to get a little trolley. Maybe I'll just stay Joe and buy a little trolley at the trolley store.

A past Bellaire trolley run 5k course (not last years)

Encore picture from St. Patrick's Day at Seabrook Lucky Trails.

1 comment:

Junie B said...

i hope this years course is the same as last years!!!