Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lady's Day At The 5k

"Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy." from Book 1, The Odyssey, Homer

As Zeus raged thunder, mortal men braved his wrath in Bellaire. The swift goddess Nike brought good fortune to at least three lovely Muses who inspire by their PRs. The HARRA president Anna Sumrall Helm, the one and only Just Junebug, and BARC's own swift goddess Debbie Rudisill all told me of their PR's. While I do not know all their exact times, I did see that Debbie went sub 19! Swift goddess indeed.

Feeling the mood of the gods, I threw my planned, safe 25 minute run in the trash after the first 100 yards. In perfect running weather, cool and rainy, I ran under 23 minutes, not bad for an undertrained gimp. I loved it. Brave Achilles, slay me not. I live to run and run to live.

I was thinking of asking to be scratched from our Bayou Bash relay team. But today's effort was good enough. I am inspired.

Sing To Me Oh Muse.


Junie B said...

You rock Joe!! See you at the Bayou Bash!

Anonymous said...

With the "wind" beneath your feet. Awesome run!