Thursday, April 05, 2007

Advanced Warning - Flora London Marathon 2007

I am fortunate to be in London this week and have gotten two nice runs in. This morning I ran the longest route I've tackled since the Houston Marathon, but still only about 6.6 miles. From my hotel, I ran along St James Park to Buckingham Palace, through Green Park to Hyde Park, around Hyde Park to Kensington Gardens, back the other side of Hyde Park to Green Park eventually reaching my hotel.

On the Mall alongside of St James Park they have started putting up advanced warning signs concerning the London Marathon, and it is still 16 days away. Seeing those signs cleared up one thing for me. While running, most of the runners in the Park were seriously fit and had their game faces on. Not very many people were going slower than my 9 min/mile pace. I was thinking that London runners are pretty strong. Well I think there were a lot of London marathoners out there who should be at a fitness peak right about now.

It was such a joy to do these runs this week. I love to run in the various places I visit. And what a great place to run. I can see why the London Marathon is so popular.

I would like to have run more, but did not want to overdo it. I cycled the other two days in the health club. Looks like I could be back to normal training in the not too distant future.

Happy days.

I plan to be at the Resurrection Run this weekend for volunteer duty or just to spectate.


Anonymous said...

The London Marathon absolutely rocks, with apologies to Houston, Boston, Chicago, Stockholm et al it's the best urban marathon I've ever done. They do a super job of catering to the charity runners, bringing in millions of $$$ and 10's of thousands of runners. You've seen the front end of the marathon in your training; the average pace at London is slooooow.


Sarah said...

I'll see you on Saturday at the 5K! Jose may even do it...

Anonymous said...

How about baby sitting duties...