Well bummer, my achilles tendon flared up after my six miler yesterday and is bugging me today still. I guess it did not like running 16 miles in 4 days, a rather typical running load from just a few short weeks ago. The weather outside is so nice, not at all like in the Northland, I am itching to go out for a run.
What to do? What to do? I am NOT going to give up all this fitness. No, No, No, and No. How about swim, bike, run? Less impact, do a tri, stay in the Spring Series, skip the marathoning until Houston 2008. I've got the Memorial Athletic Club brochure and plan to sign up tomorrow. No deep end pool, but I've got one in the backyard if worse comes to worse. I can work out there 3 days a week after work. Throw in 2, max 3 not so long runs a week and I'll survive until marathon training season begins for 2008. Anybody want to throw me a training plan for swim, bike, run? Any other bright ideas oh mighty cyberspace?
Then again maybe all I need to do is write my injury Haiku and the problem will go away. So watch for my Achilles haiku coming to this blog soon.
Hey Young Fella,
MAC members since 1999. MAC rocks, and the upgrades are cool.
Not sure why you're looking for a pool with a deep end. If it's for aquarunning you can aquarun at MAC no problem.
Looks like Sarah had somebody prepare a Half Ironman training schedule for her, you might inquire if they're available.
We're at TH tonight at Thursday this week, come on out if it suits.
Do a tri! :)
Steeeve game me the tri schedule I'm currently following.
do you even own a bike? a tri sounds awesome
you know the weather is miserable when they cancel school because it is too cold.
my Finnish professor thinks the weather is absolutely perfect for running...
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