Friday, March 23, 2007

The Age of Reason

According to some eminent economic researchers, I will reach my peak as a financial wizard in 2008. It seems that 53 year olds make less poor decisions about finances than any other age (Source: Agarwal et. Al, "The Age of Reason: Financial Decisions Over the Lifecycle"). So if you want financial advice from me (or Coach Steeeeve for that matter since he is equally sage), bring your checkbook to the Law Week 8k or the Bellaire Trolley Run and ask Crosstrain a question. My fees are reasonable and non-refundable.

You can read about this in yesterdays Wall Street Journal in an article titled "Why Middle Age May Be Healthy For Your Wallet".

It seems that past the age of 53, the average person's cognative power starts to lessen. However, you can also go to the New York Times and read how aerobic exercise can help retain one's memory, based on a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . So my cognative powers arnt goin nywhere soon. you know I rrrun, i smart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joe carey: Soooooper Genius