Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Win One For The Gimpster

I was seriously bummed this morning as my injury felt a bit aggravated. All I did yesterday was go to the gym, do a short 10 minute warm-up on an elliptical machine followed by core strengthening and leg stretching routine. I did feel my calf contract strongly when I reversed abruptly on the elliptical, perhaps it doesn't like that. I don't ever use the elliptical and I guess I won't again.

Damn the torpedoes, but not full speed ahead. I ran at crowded Memorial Park anyways tonight, 4 miles in 36 min with avg HR of 145.

Mile 1 9:57 warm-up 130 HR
Mile 2 8:22
Mile 3 8:30
Mile 4: 9:19 cool down

I definitely have lost running fitness. Nevertheless, my weight hit a 30 year record low yesterday and my resting HR is back down to 44. So the cross training has worked well for that. It will be interesting to see how my leg feels in the morning.

I plan on cycling tomorrow night, Friday off and pitter patter around the Law Week 8k on Saturday. Tomorrow, I just might call and make an appointment with a podiatrist.

1 comment:

Junie B said...

i tell you one thing...i finished early at Memorial (around 6) and went off to meet a friend after his run...just after 7 when I was driving back by Memorial, i was FLOORED at the amount of people I saw running!!!!!!!!!