Saturday, April 14, 2007

After The Storm

I thought it would be raining this morning, but the storm passed before dawn. So time to jump out of bed and join the Space City Cycling Clubs Saturday ride at 7:30 am from Bike Barn.

I completed 47 miles averaging 17.3mph and 143HR. That counts as my long run for the weekend. If you read Runners World, they published that 3 miles cycling is equivalent to 1 mile running.

I needed the workout to get the pizza and beer out of my system from last nights celebration of JDs bridge running exploits at Boondoggles. He has been running so strong, I predicted a PR for him in today's Blue Bell 10k. We will have to wait for his report to find out.

I'll be hitting the Seabrook trails for a 6 mile recovery run Sunday at 7 am.

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