Sunday, April 08, 2007

Glad Påsk

That's Swedish for Happy Easter. While in London, I had a chance to go see Mamma Mia, the hit musical based on ABBA songs. I was too tired, so I passed, but my colleagues said it was a great time. Maybe next time. ABBA rose to fame in 1974 when they were the first entry from Sweden to win the Eurovision song contest. Being in high school, I was too cool and sophisticated at the time to like ABBA. I guess I'm not so cool anymore because I like their music now. So this early 70's video of 'Dancing Queen' is dedicated to BARC's VP, our very own Swedish blond Running Queen.

I ran my Easter Sunday 6 miler at Seabrook trail this afternoon. A not too muddy 6 miles at 8:23 pace with 149 avg HR. Pace is coming back, time to ice the leg and hope today's exertion was not too much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what, no super trouper?

ABBA+grading=Easter fun!