Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Lack of Discipline

My plan calls for a run no more than every third day in April, to allow my leg to continue its steady improvement. That means run the LP run on Wednesday. Today I planned for a swim day, my first one in a while since I let my road rash heal.

However, I got caught at work and broke training to go run with Coach Steeeve at his Strider group run at Terry Hershey. Sigh, I have no discipline. I am seriously starting to crack on this swimming and biking stuff.....let me run.

Seems Coach Steeeeve already did his run since he had to leave for a personal committment. So he gave us troopers our mission for the evening and left.

The ladies in the group stuck to Coach Steeeves plan. But it took about 100 yards for the men to mutiny and do a totally different run, with a bit of lollygagging along the way. Stop at the rest room, stop at the water fountain, stop at Dairy Ashford and so on. We had a good time. It seems the male troopers need the firm hand of Steeeeve to keep em line.

The good news is we did a relatively relaxed 4 miles in a bit under 39 minutes (plus stoppage time). So I should be OK for the LP run.


Steve Bezner said...

Shhhh.... don't spill the beans.

Anonymous said...

Too late!!! :-)

Good times are good. Taking it easy the day before a race is good. Feeling empowered is good.

I only wish it were a personal commitment. When you work in a global organization sometimes your evenings are pre-booked for you :-(
