Sunday, January 11, 2009


Crosstrain 1984

We spent the weekend watching football and spring cleaning. I threw out a lot of high school stuff but kept all my love letters to my wife. It would be dumber than a bike crash to toss them.

My confession is that I did run before a little. Not with a watch, and not in any race. Here is a picture of a large picture of me running in 1984 in the New Forest in Hampshire England. We used to run 3 to 7 miles every day at lunch. The folks I ran with were marathoners. When I came to Houston later that year, I tried it out, but it was summer and I quit for 21 years. My loss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember that photo... I always wondered why it ended up in poster-size though... I think you should frame it and hang it up :)