Thursday, February 12, 2009

Got Age?

I read something today that was like fog lifting, an "aha" moment. Young is out and old is in. So says New York Times columnist Gail Collins in this article.

The case is made as follows:

- The pilot and 3 flight attendents of the US Airways flight that landed like a feather in the Hudson are 58, 51, 57, and 58.
- Bruce rocked the house at 59.
- Stump became the oldest dog to win the Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club this week. He was 10, which makes him 70 in human age.
- Robert Plant (60) scooped up 5 Grammy's

Not to mention that locally, 59 year old Sabra Harvey won the Master's division at Buffalo Wallow.

Yep, we're good.

Don't trust anyone under 50.

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