It's August, time for the annual Pub Crawl! You are invited.
I will actually write a blog entry after none in June and July. So what is happening?
- Facebook has stole my blogging time. Shame. Have resisted Twitter however. I am a baby boomer after all and we just migrated to Facebook recently.
- I spent the first half of July overseas.
- I have joined the HARRA Board as an At Large member.
- I have continued having ART done on my Achilles/peroneus tendon area near the soleus. I have continued doing my stretching and stability exercises. And I am running. I run no often than two days after my previous run.
- I started running in April. You can see the mileage on the right side of my blog. Four consecutive months of itty bitty increases in mileage. A magnificent 8 mile run in Amsterdam on July 11, my longest run since who knows when. The Lunar Rendezvous Run 5k on July 18, my second fastest 5k ever in 22:16. The Outriggers on the Bay 5k on August 1, my third fastest 5k ever in 22:19.
So I run 10 to 15 miles per week. When folks were training for Houston last year, I said to myself if I could ever run 10 miles a week, I would be a happy man. With the cross training I do, it is enough for 5k and 10k distance reasonable racing.
So yes I am a very happy man.
No I am not going to push the mileage nor the frequency. My leg is tight and sometimes sore. But so be it, I can run. I hope to run on relay teams during the fall series and have signed up for the Houston half.
Hope your summer is going equally as well.
Joe Carey is back! Do I need to drink beer at every stop and what happens if I don't continue once I hit Boondoggles?
There is no "DND" for Did not Drink, nor is there a DNF. Drink anything, run, walk or hitch a ride. The only rules are to stay out of the road, cross at crosswalks and don't drink and drive.
don't forget - you spent a long weekend at the end of the earth (a few miles further, actually)... you know, with the perfect weather and all.
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