Friday, August 22, 2008

Taper Day

Have arrived back in Houston and resting for the Pub Crawl tomorrow. Trained this week in Colorado by riding, hiking and enjoying a few beers and margaritas with friends.

Hiking the mountains is safer than cycling them, those downhill turns at 30mph+ can be dangerous. A cyclist going down James Canyon near Boulder is in serious condition after crashing on a turn yesterday. I know that stretch of road and have cycled down it a few times, not this trip though. I did trip and bruise my left shin while hiking. One should not read a map and hike at the same time. Duh.

My wife hiking yesterday above Lake Isabelle at 11000' in the Indian Peaks Wilderness

Icing my Achilles tendon in a Rocky Mountain stream

1 comment:

Steeeve said...

11,000 is all? Wiiiiiiimp!

Oh, sorry, that just kind of slipped out. Will need to pick your brain on hiking in the Rockies, something we're suddenly interested in.